Saturday, July 28, 2012

Swimming with sharks in Scotland !

2 Virgin vouchers that entitle you to a Shark Diving Experience in Deep Sea World Aquarium in North Queensferry, Fife, Scotland. Upon arrival a member of staff will greet you before attending your introduction and safety briefing. You will be fitted with your Scuba equipment and dry suit before taking part in an in water instruction in the training pool, during which you will be taught how to use the breathing apparatus, how to clear your mask and hand signals. You will then take your first steps into shark infested waters for your 30 minute dive with the fully qualified PADI dive instructor, during your dive you will encounter a number of amazing sharks and fish such as the Sand Tiger Shark, Tope Shark, Angel Shark and various other fish including rays and crabs. After your experience there will be time to shower and change before collecting your certificate of attendance. Having experienced something truly amazing, the feeling of euphoria is overhwhelming. You will want to do it all over again! PLEASE NOTE THESE ARE ONLY VALID UNTIL 31ST OCOTOBER 2012. I bought these tickets for 180 each as a Christmas present for myself and a friend but have recently changed our minds. they are a really good present for a friend who is a thrill seeker, im gutted i cant go but i need the money. Videos of others diving in the aquarium are available on youtube or you can go on to the aquarium website for more footage. The tickets also include two other guest passes into the aquarium.


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